Return Policy

We’re bummed if you're not 100% satisfied with the items you received, and we gladly accept returns within 30 days of receipt for most items in new condition.
  • 1. Get in touch with our customer service representative by sending us a ticket in your account. Indicate which item(s) you would like to return and the reason for your return.
  • 2. Place the item(s) in the original packing and seal the parcel securely.
  • 3. Drop off your package at the local post office.
  • 4. Once we receive your package, we will promptly process an exchange or issue a refund to your account in accordance to our return conditions.

Return Conditions
  • 1. You have 30 days to decide if an item is right for you, if not, you can certainly come to us within 30 days of receipt.
  • 2. The following items cannot be returned or exchanged: bodysuits, lingerie & sleepwear, swimwear, jewelry, and accessories (except scarves, bags, and mermaid blankets).
  • 3. Items returned must be in their unused condition with the original packing. We do not accept a returned item that’s worn, damaged, washed or altered in any way.
  • 4. We do not accept returned items that were sent back by you directly without checking with us first.
  • 5. We do not accept packages returned using C.O.D. service. Return shipping charges are non-refundable.